Thursday, January 29, 2015

Nature: The Natural Beauty

Nature is always at its finest, and in the pictures, you will see just what the finest means. :)



Skies: The beauty above

 There's something fascinating I've always found about the sky. The colors it can become from sunrise to sunset. The daylight to night time. Clear blue to cloudy gray. It makes taking pictures of it fun and surprising.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


About pages are usually the most boring part of any site, but I still do them because sometimes it's fun to know who's behind the site, what the site is about, etc.

It's about to get personal

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Readers love Photography too

Okay, maybe we're more than likely to take selfies with our books, or just take pictures of our books and bookshelves, but no matter what we take pictures of...we're still taking pictures. :)

I'm a reader who has found love in taking spare of the moment pictures, or pictures that will capture that moment in time you never want to forget it. I'm not a professional photographer. I don't have a special camera, and I don't know much about photography, lenses, and cameras. What I do know is I love the result after you click the button and you get that flash.

Readers do take pictures, as a matter of fact, there is a whole community of us on Instagram. We call it "Bookstagram" I'll admit I don't post all the time, but there are some who post daily, and those are the bookstagrams that are beautiful, amazing, and wow me everytime I see them. I sometimes wish I could create the aesthetics they do.

Here is my account

I will try to link some of the bookstagrammars below.
Samantha @ Bookobsessedandblonde
Tara @ Tarasbookshelf
Kayla @ Rheya Reads